Overview of websites
Links to resources on the inclusion of children with cerebral visual impairment:
Role of the brain/background reading
Assessment of CVI
Direct colour assessment and more
Understanding medical information
CVI what does it mean common terms
About cerebral visual impairment
Article on CVI and multiple disability
Article on supporting children with CVI
Lectures on CVI
Ellen Mazel Discusses Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI)
Christine Roman-Lantzy: Cortical Visual Impairment and the Evaluation of Functional Vision
Charities and societies supporting children with CVI
Ideas for supporting children with CVI
The big 3 tool kit for children with CVI
Literacy for Students with Visual Impairments and Multiple Disabilities
Simple books for children with CVI (Cortical Visual Impairment) reduce visual complexity
Reducing complexity in board books
Using iPads with students with CVI and multiple impairments
Strategies for pre-readers CVI
Developing learning strategies for children with CVI
CVI and adaptations for literacy
Itsy bitsy spider - Tips on adapting books for children with CVI
Strategies improving literacy CVI
Developing learning strategies for children with CVI
Object books and writing experience for children with CVI
The importance of ‘co’ in non traditional literacy activities
Visual Impairment with Multiple Exceptionalities