Teaching materials
Teach CVI - Teacher material - Chapter I (pdf)
This chapter includes information about the visual system and the brain, definition and characteristics of cerebral visual impairment, guidelines, screening tool and some examples of resources, strategies and tests for ophthalmological, neuropsychological and functional vision assessment.
Teach CVI - Teacher material - Chapter II (pdf)
This chapter includes practical information, resources and examples of strategies and materials to be used by teachers and other professionals for supporting the visual functions and functional vision of children with CVI.
Teach CVI - Teacher material - Chapter III (pdf)
This chapter presents the Literacy profile, a practical tool to be used by teachers and other professionals in order to collect information about the functional vision and literacy of children with CVI.
Teach CVI - Teacher material - Chapter IV (pdf)
This chapter includes practical strategies and resources to be used by teachers with children with CVI in different stages of literacy - Pre-reading, Beginning readers and Curriculum access.
The version of the tool which can be filled in electronically.